註冊會員 會員登入 忘記密碼
請輸入您IRCAD台灣帳號申請之電子信箱,並按下 “發送信件“。
※ 我們會將密碼寄送至您的信箱
+ 886 4 781 2988, + 886 4 781 2228
+ 886 4-707-3222


  • 選項
  • 價格
  • 早鳥價/折扣
  • 費用包含
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988 ,+ 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222



✔ To discuss the indications and contraindications of CBD exploration
✔ To demonstrate various techniques of CBD exploration, with videos, live-surgery, and hands-on practice
✔ To familiarise each participant with the manipulation of choledochoscope, including insertion, basketing, transcyctis, trans-choledochotomy
✔ To practice on live-tissue CBD exploration techniques, hepaticojejunostomy, choledochotomy

Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund


NASSAR Ahmad 英國