register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days Prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
TR1 - 360度一般外科腹腔鏡基礎課程 (內視鏡&腹腔鏡&影像導航)
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
✔ To prepare the residents ready for safe practice of laparoscopic surgery.
✔ To describe and understand the equipment, tools, energy, and pneumoperitoneum
✔ To present the fundamentals of laparoscopic
✔ Practical training sessions to learn or improve the performance of basic techniques in laparoscopic surgery, such as intra-corporeal suturing and tying techniques of nots, coordinating both hands for dissection and safe energy use in laparoscopy.
✔ To describe the results and potential complications of laparoscopic procedures.
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days Prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
▶ Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants.
▶ Live and pre-recorded surgical video demonstrations
▶ Hands-on practice with expert guidance on simulators, ex-vivo models, live-animals
Surgeons in training who wish to solidify knowledge on basic principles and theories behind laparoscopic surgery, including instrumentation, ergonomics, technical skills, on comprehensive but fundamental fields such as emergency, pediatric, endoscopy, biliary, trauma surgery.
TR1 - 腹腔鏡縫合課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
At the end of this course each student should be able to:
✔ Safety introduce and pick up a 3/8ths curved needle in an appropriate position to make a bite through tissue
✔ Handle the needle to quickly adjust to desired angles
✔ Pass a needle and suture through tissues at suitable depth, angle, and distance for interrupted and continuous suturing
✔ Tie a safe laparoscopic Surgeon's knot
✔ Create a laparoscopic tumbled square knot
✔ Demonstrate continuous suturing, maintaining tension and completing the suture line safely
✔ Be able to apply the techniques to various clinical situateions, such as bariatric surgery, hepato pancreasbiliary surgery, or colorectal surgery
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days Prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 44 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
Didactic lectures, hands-on training on dry box on suturing models, ex vivo tissues.
Anyone interested to improve their laparoscoipc suturing skills.
TR1 - 婦產科子宮鏡縫合GESEA認證課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Knowledge Acquisition: Participants are offered with e-learning materials on ESGE Academy. Completion of theoretical tutorials and quizzes is required to be eligible for LEVEL 1 Certification.
Practical Skills Training: Enhance psycho motor skills through well define exercise on laparoscopy, laparoscopic suturing and hysteroscopy.
TR1 - 獸醫腹腔鏡縫合與一般外科課程【中階班】
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days Prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
Interactive theoretical sessions between faculty and course participants
Pre-recorded operative demonstrations
Hands-on session in basic surgery training, on training box, simulation models, ex-vivo porcine tissues, and porcine model, under expert tutorial
TR2 - 一般外科腹腔鏡課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
✔ To provide the basic knowledge required for clinical applications
✔ To describe all the basic principles (instruments, materials, equipments) and present the most used basic laparoscopic techniques
✔ Hands-on training sessions to learn or improve performance of basic technical tasks in laparoscopic surgery such as intra-corporeal suturing and knots tying techniques, two-hands coordination for dissection, safe use of energy in laparoscopy
✔ To describe results and potential complications of laparoscopic procedures
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
▶ Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants
▶ Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations
▶ Hands-on practice on live animals for four afternoon provide adequate exposure to all aspects of digestive surgery.
Surgeons who wish to gain comprehensive knowledge on all aspects of digestive surgery, including HPB, colorectal, Hernia, Upper GI, and Endocrine. And to learn or improve technical skills in one short but intensive course
TR2 - 減重內視鏡手術課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
TR2 - 膽道手術進階課程 (腹腔鏡&膽道鏡探查實作)
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
✔ To discuss the indications and contraindications of CBD exploration
✔ To demonstrate various techniques of CBD exploration, with videos, live-surgery, and hands-on practice
✔ To familiarise each participant with the manipulation of choledochoscope, including insertion, basketing, transcyctis, trans-choledochotomy
✔ To practice on live-tissue CBD exploration techniques, hepaticojejunostomy, choledochotomy
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
▶ Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants
▶ Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations
▶ Hands-on Practice on Live Animal
General Surgeons
Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgeons
TR2 - 獸醫腹腔鏡縫合與一般外科課程【進階班】 (TR2 - 中文授課)
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
TR3 - 進階腹壁與腹股溝疝氣手術課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
To provide the basic knowledge required for management of all types of abdominal wall defects
To provide information about principles and properties of absorbable and non-absorbable surgical meshes
To provide indications for surgical treatment and discuss operative complications
To highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through the broadcasting of live procedures
To allow real-time discussion between the operators and the surgeon trainees
To provide hands-on sessions to improve skills in laparoscopic surgery through the practice on cadaver under expert tutorial
To describe postoperative clinical results and practical applications of evidence-based clinical medicine
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
To provide the basic knowledge required for management of all types of abdominal wall defects
To provide information about principles and properties of absorbable and non-absorbable surgical meshes
To provide indications for surgical treatment and discuss operative complications
To highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through the broadcasting of live procedures
To allow real-time discussion between the operators and the surgeon trainees
To provide hands-on sessions to improve skills in robotic hernia surgery through practice on cadaver under experts’ tutorials
To describe postoperative clinical results and practical applications of evidence-based clinical medicine
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
Interactive theoretical sessions between faculty and course participants
Pre-recorded operative demonstrations
Hands-on session in hernia surgery on cadaver under expert tutorial
TR3 - 食道癌手術進階課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
TR3 - 胃癌手術進階課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
TR3 - 新領域肝膽胰外科腹腔鏡手術訓練課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
✔ To cover a broad spectrum of surgical procedures in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery
✔ To provide introduction of laparoscopic biliary, liver and pancreatic resection
✔ To provide hand on session improve skills in laparoscopic biliary, liver and pancreatic surgery through the practice on pig models under expert tutorials
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
▶ Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants
▶ Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations
▶ Hands-on training both cadaver and live tissue (mini-pigs) in experimental lab
Digestive surgeons, HPB and liver surgeons, laparoscopic surgeons
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
To cover a broad spectrum of surgical procedures in robotic hepatic surgery
To provide indications for robot-assisted surgical treatments and discuss operative demonstrations
To gain knowledge of the robotic platform prerequisites and specificities required to safely use and operate the robotic surgical platform
To define the role of robotics, its strengths and weaknesses in current hepatic surgery practice
To provides hands-on sessions to improve skills in robotic surgery through practice on live tissue under expert tutorial
Interactive theoretical sessions between faculty and course participants
Pre-recorded operative demonstrations
Hands-on session in liver surgery training on porcine or caprine model under expert tutorial
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
Interactive theoretical sessions between faculty and course participants
Pre-recorded operative demonstrations
Hands-on session in pancreatic surgery training on porcine / cadaver model under expert tutorial
TR3 – 大腸直腸手術進階課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
✔ To cover a broad spectrum of surgical procedures in colorectal surgery
✔ To provide indications for surgical treatment and discuss operative complications
✔ To highlight technicalities of surgical interventions through the broadcasting of live procedures
✔ To allow real time discussion between the operators and the surgeon trainees
✔ To provide hands-on sessions improve skills in laparoscopic surgery through the practice on live tissue, and also to provide an optional cadaver training for TaTME under experts’ guidance.
✔ To describe postoperative clinical results and practical applications of evidence-based clinical medicine
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
▶ Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants
▶ Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations
▶ Hands-on Practice on Live Animal
▶ Optional Hands-on Practice on Cadaver Model for TaTME
General Surgeons
Colorectal Surgeons
TR3 - 泌尿科手術進階課程
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
✔To present operative techniques by live operative demonstrations from expert centers
✔To describe common laparoscopic urological techniques and operative procedures
✔To describe outcomes and potential complications of laparoscopic procedures
✔Hands-on training sessions to improve technical performance in laparoscopic urological surgery
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
►Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants.
►Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations
►Hands-on Practice on Live Animal
►Optional Hands-on Practice on Cadaver Model for Radical prostatectomy + lymph node dissection +Radical nehrectomy
Laparoscopic urological surgeons
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
To provide the basic knowledge required for clinical applications
To describe all the basic principles (instruments, materials, anesthesia equipment) and present the most widely used basic robotic urological techniques
To provide hands-on training sessions to learn or improve performance of basic technical tasks in robotic urological surgery
To describe results and potential complications of robotic procedures
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
Interactive theoretical sessions between faculty and course participants
Pre-recorded operative demonstrations
Hands-on session in urological surgery on porcine model under expert tutorial
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
本課程設計的對象為對氣道處理已有部分經驗的急重症醫師。在模具假人上,我們可以學習基礎的氣道技巧,也可以設計出嘔吐、出血、牙關緊閉等困難插管情境。但模具假人是無法模擬出真實的上呼吸道結構,擺位、下顎推前、壓喉等技巧可以在臨床大體獲得直接的回饋;更可以體會 Bougie 在僅會厭可見下的功用及Tracheal click及Hold up技巧的手感。 這不是個困難氣道課程,但在這個課程中可以有真實的人體回饋,這是在模具假人無法感受的;在這個課程可以重覆不斷的練習及修正技巧,這是在臨床上無法達成的。為了增加學員操作支氣管鏡的經驗,感謝 IRCAD Taiwan 在支氣管鏡練習提供1:2臨床大體學員比。
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
•Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants
•Hands-on training on cadaver, mannequins and trachea models in experimental laboratory
Pre-APWA Meeting 進階手腕關節鏡課程 (大體)
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Pre-APWA meeting Advanced Wrist Arthroscopy Course
Wrist Arthroscopy for the treatment of complex problems of the wrist ligaments and the scaphoid
what anatomy has taught us….
what modern techniques have enabled us to do….
Organized by APWA, Endorsed by IWAS
With the support of:
Taiwan Society for Surgery of the Hand
超音波導引上肢手術課程 (大體)
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
高階鼻竇解剖課程 (大體)
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Special Highlights of this Course
Structured anatomic preparation, each step referring to clearly defined anatomical landmarks, after concise lectures and master dissection.
Training places for dissection are well-equipped with HD-videoendoscopy, a large variety of microsurgical instruments and shaver.
Intensive supervision with at least one experienced supervisor for two dissection places.
Specific adjunctive course material, including access to essential videoclips of crucial surgical steps as well as accompanying hand-outs.
Recommended Pre-Course Reading: Please copy the link and paste to the browser.
Advanced hands-on guide:
Anatomy atlas:
Cancellation Policy
Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.
Free Cancellation until 45 days prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Prior to course starting date : Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more : 100% Refund
31 days (including) - 44 days : 75% Refund
15 days (including) - 30 days : 50% Refund
0 days (including) - 14 days : No Refund
Each complete, nature-identical anatomical specimen is subject to preparation by two participants.
ENT professionals
B.E.S.T. 亞洲新創醫材工作坊
register@ircadtaiwan.com.tw + 886 4-781-2988, + 886 4-781-2228 + 886 4-707-3222
Business. Engineering. and Surgical. Technologies.
集結國内外最頂尖的 Biodesign 專家,企業經營大師,主治醫師,業界經理人,帶給你最新,最深入,最活用的生醫創新經驗分享。
最牛微創商業模式 PITCH
報名方法:申請會員,填寫報名表(基本資料,附上個人CV 簡歷 & 自我介紹 Cover Letter)由台法共同審核
1. REGISTER on EVE: https://bestt.eve-evolving-education.eu/training/best-innovation-course
3. FILL OUT APPLICATION: Upload Motivation Letter & CV